Hello, I'm David Sasu

Computer Science PHD student @ ITU Copenhagen

About Me

I am currently a PhD student in the NLPnorth research unit within the Computer Science Department at the IT University of Copenhagen advised by Dr. Natalie Schluter and also a Student Researcher in Machine Learning Research at Apple. Presently, I am working as a Visiting Researcher at Columbia University in the Spoken Language Processing Group.
My research interest covers the field of Speech and Language Processing for low resource languages, with an interest in African Languages.
In Speech Processing, I am currently exploring how suprasegmental data in speech can be efficiently extracted and applied to improve natural language systems.
I received my B.S. summa cum laude in Computer Science from Ashesi University and my M.S. in Computer Science from the IT University of Copenhagen.

Outside of research I love to read books and practice martial arts(Shotokan karate and Brazilian jiu-jitsu).


IT University of Copenhagen

  1. Graduate Teaching Assistant - Linear Algebra and Probability Theory (Spring 2023)
  2. Graduate Teaching Assistant - Introduction to Machine Learning (Fall 2023)

Ashesi University

  1. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Operating Systems (Fall 2020)
  2. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Algorithm Design and Analysis (Spring 2020)
  3. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Computer Organisation and Architecture (Spring 2020)
  4. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Computer Programming for Computer Science (Fall 2019)
  5. Undergraduate Teaching Assistant - Pre - Calculus and Calculus (Fall 2019)

Publications and Theses

Currently working on:

Prosodically annotated speech corpus for Low-resource Ghanaian Languages


M.Sc thesis: Multi-lingual and Cross-lingual Automatic Prosodic Annotation

Grade: 12/12


B.Sc thesis: A Functional NLP Speech System For Akan Using Limited Data

Grade: A+

Selected Awards and Fellowships

Student Excellence Award - Ashesi University

The award is presented to a student who exemplifies academic excellence, creates major impact in uplifting the image of Ashesi by example and contributes immensely towards supporting fellow students.

Innovation Award - Ashesi University

The award is presented to a student who uses his knowledge in technology to improve the lives of others and create a major societal impact.

Presidential Award for Scholarship, Leadership & Citizenship - Ashesi University

This is the highest award a student can receive at Ashesi. It is awarded and presented each year by the President of the University to a student who has contributed in outstanding ways to Ashesi’s mission.

Nominated for Best Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Award - Ashesi University

This award is presented to a teaching assistant that demonstrates unusual dedication to teaching and consistently goes above and beyond the call of duty.

Chairman's Award - International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition

The award is the highest award given at the IGEM competition. It is presented to recognize “integrity, good sportsmanship, respect, honesty, celebration, co-operation, effort and excellence”.

Silver Medal Award - International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition

This is a merit award given to reflect the stellar performance demonstrated at the IGEM competition.

Millinium Fellowship - United Nations

The Millennium Fellowship is a prestigious fellowship that provides fellows with world class training, connections and recognition to boost their social impact efforts.

African Future Leader Fellowship - African Change Makers

The African Future Leader Fellowship is a prestigious fellowship that equips young and gifted Africans to become future African leaders.


Read more . . .

Book recommendations

2023 reading list

  1. Courage Is Calling by Ryan Holiday
  2. Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke
  3. Humility by David Bobb
  4. The Boy Crisis by Warren Farrell
  5. From Strength To Strength by Arthur C. Brooks

2022 reading list

Favourite choice: Livewired by David Eagleman

  1. The Body by Bill Bryson
  2. Livewired by David Eagleman
  3. Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
  4. Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton
  5. The changing world order by Ray Dalio

2021 reading list

Favourite choice: Man's search for meaning by Victor Frankl

  1. Year of Yes: How To Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun, and Be Your Own Person by Shonda Rhimes
  2. My Year with Eleanor by Noelle Hancock
  3. The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations by Toni Morrison
  4. Algorithms to Live By:The Computer Science of Human Decisions by Brian Christian
  5. Man's search for meaning by Victor Frankl

2020 reading list

Favourite choice: Becoming by Michelle Obama

  1. Titan by Ron Chenrow
  2. Deep work by Cal Newport
  3. Einstein by Walter Isaacson
  4. The innovators by Walter Isaacson
  5. Becoming by Michelle Obama

Get In Touch

  • Email dasa@itu.dk